Regal Ads – Internet Marketing

Google Ads, Internet Marketing, Internet Advertising,

It really doesn’t matter the business you have. Where you do it or how long you’ve been doing it. In this day and age, content can make or break a business. Now you might say, “I run a _________ business. How does content impact me?” Well, in fact content can impact any business just as the lack of content can impact a business. It takes time to master and develop your strategy and organize your time in a manner that allows you to create your content while providing your services, all the while running your business. But doing so can be extremely rewarding. Posting daily content on social media, uploading how-to videos on Youtube or funny reels on Instagram. Today, Your business marketing has the potential to reach so many more than the days of yellow book or even the days when search became so popular.

Ask yourself how you select a business or service. Do you search for a specific service and pick one? Or do you reach out to networks, groups, family and/or friends for advice before selecting a professional. More and more people are using social media to connect with groups that serve their area or groups that cater to a specific topic or interest. Afterall, knowing your customer or user is probably the most important factor in business marketing.

Who Is Your Customer?

Contemplate for a minute about your past few customers. Do you know how you gained their business? Is there something specific that aligned your business with their needs? Perhaps they sought out your services and came across your business via search. It’ the most popular way people are hiring a service industry and ads can get you there quickly. When implemented correctly, can be very lucrative. Funny thing is, people are also wanting to connect with your business and get to know your business online. But why? What do they care about my latest landscape job or the last gutters I cleaned? Why do they care? If reality television has taught us anything its that people are interested in what other people are doing. Even what we may find mundane and torture, an audience of people are happy to watch you do it. Posting that last gutter cleanout or landscape job might be exactly why your next customer hires you.

Does Your Business Socialize?

The most successful businesses do more than just advertise, they connect. Even the smallest businesses can do it. Imagine with me… You own a small floral business and want to get hired to provide flowers for a handful of wedding events over the summer. Anyone who’s married knows there is a ton of foot traffic involved. A lot of in-person meetings and sampling from Dj’s to photographers to caterers and bakers and seamstresses and so on. Now understanding your customer and the process in which they are going through should lead you to use your business social media to connect with area venders as forementioned.

To use your business profiles to share out those vender’s content, commenting on their posts and engaging with the community through local Facebook groups, Pins on Pinterest and all the other social media platforms. Business marketing like this takes nothing but time and can net massive returns. We’ve seen many partnerships come from online engagement through social media groups, TikTok’s, Pins. It’s the evolution of word-of-mouth advertising. Apply this type of thinking and energy to your business and we’d be willing to bet you will see a benefit sooner than later. Not all business marketing is equal and not all businesses are marketing equally.

Where Is Your Business Now?

Feeling like you’re lost in space without a paddle? Who needs a paddle in space anyway? We’re happy to provide a free marketing assessment of your business. We’ll happily review your Website, analytics, SEO data , social media ads and tell you what changes/additions we would make. Also, we aren’t too good to let you know when you are doing well. Sometimes another set of eyes and a little bit of positive reinforcement is all you need when you’re on the right track.

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